The Alouana Project Area comprises 6 exploration license areas totaling 84 square kilometers and is located in Morocco’s Eastern Region. In October 2023, RRA entered into an option agreement to acquire up to 100% of Izughar Resources S.A.R.L, the Moroccan company holding title to the Alouana licenses
Small-scale mining commenced at Alouana at the beginning of the last century and approximately 40 small-scale underground and open-pit copper, gold and silver workings have so-far been identified from within the project area
The Alouana Project Area comprises 6 exploration license areas totaling 84 square kilometers and is located in Morocco’s Eastern Region (see Figure 1). In October 2023, RRA entered into an option agreement to acquire up to 100% of Izughar Resources S.A.R.L, the Moroccan company holding title to the Alouana licenses. Small-scale mining commenced at Alouana at the beginning of the last century and approximately 40 small-scale underground and open-pit copper, gold and silver workings have so-far been identified from within the project area.
Geologically, Alouana comprises an erosional window of Paleozoic age metamorphic and intrusive igneous rocks developed from within surrounding and overlying Mesozoic and Tertiary age sedimentary strata. The host rocks to copper, gold and polymetallic mineralization at Alouana are primarily lower Paleozoic age schists which have been intruded by Permian age granitic rocks and related porphyry dykes. Granite underlies and has contact metasomatized the schistose sequence (see Figure 2). Copper, gold and polymetallic mineralization (silver, bismuth tungsten and zinc) has been emplaced in shear zones oriented parallel to shallow-dipping schistosity and bedding (in the Alouana Open Pit Area; see Figure 2) and also in steeply-dipping northwest and northeast striking quartz-barite vein and breccia bodies.
Izughar collected 92 grab rock-chip samples from the Alouana Main Area. Results were encouraging with copper returning up to 21% (minimum 0.001% and average 1.31%), gold returning up to 5.9 grams per tonne (minimum 0.01 and average 0.2 grams per tonne) and other elements such as silver returning up to 493.8ppm (minimum 0.5ppm and average 22.3ppm) and tungsten up to 0.4% (minimum 30ppm and average 365ppm).
RRA has completed soil geochemical sampling, geological mapping, grab and channel rock-chip sampling and ground magnetics across the main Alouana Main Area (see Figure 1). A total of 1718 soil samples were collected across 200m spaced lines and on 50m intervals. Results mapped out an approximately 2km long ridge-top copper anomaly corresponding to the shallow-dipping schistosity and bedding-parallel style of copper mineralization, as well as highlighting peripheral more steeply dipping, northwest trending mineralized vein, breccia, and porphyry bodies (see Figure 2). A further 181 rock-chip samples were collected by RRA from underground workings and surface exposures across the six license areas within the AOI. Notable results from the Alouana Main Area included 7.6% copper, 0.4 grams per tonne gold and 172ppm silver from a 2-meter wide, steep-dipping vein-breccia zone in the southeast of the license area and 4 meters at 0.7% Copper, 25ppm silver and 0.7% Zinc in a vertical channel sample across shallow-dipping bedding and cleavage in the Alouana open pit zone (see Figure 2). High grade copper and bismuth rock-chip results of up to 4.4% copper (minimum 138ppm and average 1.8%) and 1.4% bismuth (minimum 17ppm and average 0.7%) were returned from a newly identified prospect area, located within the AOI some 8km to the northeast of the Alouana Main Area (see Figure 1).
Infill soil sampling (see Figure 2), mapping and sampling of historic underground workings is currently underway at Alouana. Initial scout drilling is expected to commence in June or July of this year.
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